A recently released Tamil movie from Tamil Nadu is said to be talking about deception between Valvettithurai based people living in Canada and Srilanka. The movie is named as ‘Athipar’ (or Athibar), giving a meaning ‘President’ or ‘Principal’ in English.
There were rumors among Valvettithurai based people, including those displaced, that many of them had lost millions of money in the form of various so called investments.
The said movie exactly depicts the above story, highlighting in two scenes ‘I am from Valvettithurai, which gives an indication that those involved in this issue are from Valvettithurai - the little famous coastal town in Srilanka .
Prominent artists, including Jeevan, Ranjith, Thambi Ramaiyah, Muthukumar, Viveka, Kanal Kannan etc have taken part in the movie.
In order to be commercial and successful, story goes on between Canada – Tamil Nadu story instead of Canada – Srilanka story.
In the scene below, Villain is asking to hero ‘how much money you have in your pocket’ and taking only one dollar, saying that ‘I want only one Dollar to do business with you’.
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