Kārttikai flower (Flame lily) - causes to blossom in this month
பிரசுரிக்கபட்ட திகதி: 27/11/2014 (வியாழக்கிழமை)
Flame lily is a tuberous herb, which is widespread in tropical and southern Africa and in tropical Asia. The generic name Gloriosa means ‘full of glory’ and the specific epithet Superba means ‘superb’, alluding to the striking red and yellow flowers.
Since it causes to blossom in the month of November, it is being called as ‘Kārttikai flower’ by Tamils in Srilanka. (Kārttikai means the month of November).
All parts of the plant contain colchicine and related alkaloids and are therefore dangerously toxic if ingested, and contact with the stems and leaves can cause skin irritation. Various preparations of the plant are used in traditional medicines for a variety of complaints in both Africa and India.
Photo taken from a house at the southern outer road of Valvettithurai Sivan Temple.
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