Many people were injured, including several critically, on Yesterday when fans brawled during the soccer tournament in Thiruvil, Valvettithurai.
The match between Gurunagar Padumeen Sports club (Jaffna) and Kottawattai Rangers Sports club (Vadamaradchchi) - the Valvai sports club Demand Jubilee soccer tournament - was ended by 2 : 0.
Fights broke out between the fans initially and later between the Players of 2 clubs. Players and fans from both the clubs were injured.
(The Image below shows a child crying with the fear while fight went on, Image Curtsy FB)
Fight continued for several minutes, extending to the entire field where they continued punching by helmets etc. Some people were armed with chairs and stones.
The Organizers - Valvai Sports club - were unable to put an end to the fight, which became out of hand. Police later was inofrmed.
No reports about the total number of people injured.
It is expected that Jafna football league to take action against both the Sports club.
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